Genre: 2D Top-Down Mobile Arcade Game
Team: UCSC Games and Playable Media, Kid Natural Ltd.
Environment & Tools: Android SDK & Java, Marmalade SDK & C++
Roles: Game Designer, GamePlay Engineer, UI/UX Engineer, Port from Android to iOS (Marmalade SDK)
Notes: I first started working on this project summer of 2011 as an internship through the UC Santa Cruz Games and Playable Media in partnership with Kid Natural LLC. The project consisted of a UCSC advisor, the CEO of Kid Natural, and the dev team of me and another UCSC student. Our role as the dev team was to create a design for a mobile game that would be a fun arcade game based on surfing. As it was a small dev team I had a major role in the design and project management, as well as the implementation of the project from early prototype to release on various app stores. The project prototype was initially written in Android and Java for the length of the internship. After the internship and Android release, I continued to work with the Kid Natural team as a solo developer in charge of porting the project to iOS, Android, and Blackberry; for this role I had to rewrite the entire project in C++ and using the Marmalade SDK to port.
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